Thursday, April 9, 2009

extra ordinary strange day.... ?!?!?

Hi there.. wow i guess it's too late now. But then i feel so terrible if i'm not write anything todae
I'm trying to adapt myself to my new netbook. Kind of hard using it but i love it.. i just fell in love and it's pink lol. Hm been talking to my friend about life, God, relationship n so on..
Well this week i can say.. that my job isn't fun for me.. i feel a lil bit tension there. The good news is i got extra long weekend because of the election .... and easter of course...
Talking bout easter... this year perhaps is the first year of my easter without any routine tradition in catholic... for more than 10 years i've been doing that on and on.. sometimes makes me sick... but then... kind of missing it.... but just a little... because somehow i can't manage my believe in all those celebration anymore... yeah... i lost it.. the feeling of easter and christmas. Should i pity myself? perhaps.. but then i should pity the people who're going to church without realising that they're no heart in there... at least i know that i don't like being trap in one tradition without understand what is the meaning.
I hve a lil bit quote here :
"How evil is possible in the world if God is all-good and all-powerful. After all, if God is all-powerful, then the evil in this world is His responsibility and He cannot therefore be all-good. If God is all-good then He cannot be all-powerful, for He allows evil to exist in the world."
Who can answer that??? i can't n i don't want to try to answer that either...
that quote is from shawni book's called The End of Reason... i have the book in my language (indonesian) and i hve to admit it I like to read it again and again.. not for judging God or try not to believe it.. the books.. really good for questioning my faith.... maybe someday i can find the truth, but i rather to keep it like that.. as a mystery....
hoamh so sleepy need to go to bed.........
nite ^^

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